Pekka Halonen’s Nature Paintings

Pekka Halonen was a part of the blossoming of the Finnish arts at the end of the 19th century. Halonen’s paintings focus almost exclusively on nature, and people interacting with the natural world.

I love the sinuous lines of his paintings.








~ by lolarusa on March 23, 2009.

2 Responses to “Pekka Halonen’s Nature Paintings”

  1. What amazing paintings! And I’m surprised at the fourth one, so much like a Group of Seven painting; an influence for them, perhaps?

  2. Yes, MacDonald and Harris visited an exhibition of modern Scandinavian art at the Albright Gallery in Buffalo, New York in January 1913 and were inspired by the modern interpretations of landscape art. They especially were enthusiastic that Northern painters were painting the North. Others they admired included Otto Hesselbom and Gustav Fjaestad.

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