If Fox News Had Been Around

WTF Zup dot Com has a nice collection of screen shots of Fox News at key points in America’s past. Here are a couple of them:

Fox Boston tea party

Fox Civil rights

There are lots more on WTF Zup.

More politics


~ by lolarusa on October 23, 2007.

One Response to “If Fox News Had Been Around”

  1. Ha ha! Those are brilliant.

    The weirdest thing about FOX News viewers is their complete inability to understand how it’s possible to distort the news and misrepresent facts through the wording of their headlines. It seems to be beyond their comprehension that words can be manipulated and turned into propaganda.

    For example, if a news outlet used the headline “PEARL HARBOR ATTACKED” it would communicate a different message and instill a different mindset of the reader than “JAPAN LAUNCHES PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKE”.

    Anyway, thanks for the laugh. Quite funny.

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