Illustrator Dorothy Lathrop

I grew up with a set of books called the Junior Classics. I think they came as a bonus when my mother bought a set of Collier’s encyclopedias.

The books use the original illustrations for each of the stories or excerpts, including wonderful old pictures like these 1926 Dorothy Lathrop prints for George McDonald’s story The Light Princess.


The son of a king

The king drew his sword

Kiss me

Ever after

The text of the story is in the public domain and available online at Free Books.

More cool illustration.


~ by lolarusa on August 31, 2007.

3 Responses to “Illustrator Dorothy Lathrop”

  1. lovely to behold! i could see basing a tarot deck on these illustrations…

  2. Would you mind if I used some of these images for my book blog in a post about the Light Princess? I would really appreciate it!

  3. Hello Summer,

    Please feel free to use the images.

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