Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

The chart below compares the number of paid leave days mandated by law among members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Paid leave

I was amused by a recent article on the same subject on, which includes a chart that lists the legal minimum paid leave in 49 countries. Except for the United States, that is. Rather than putting the number 0 on the chart, they have written 15, then added a footnote explaining that this represents the average number of days of paid leave for employees at large companies in the U.S., and there is no actual legal minimum. I assume that the average paid holidays at large companies in the other countries would also exceed the legal minimum, but never mind. Zero is such a depressing number.


~ by lolarusa on July 28, 2007.

One Response to “Vacation, All I Ever Wanted”

  1. I recently read somewhere that the total number of annual working hours in France is less than in Finland due to shorter daily working hours.

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