Lysol for Feminine Hygiene

Here is an advertisement from Pictorial Review magazine, from June 1926.

Lysol ad

Lysol ad 2


Very interesting additional information at The Museum of Menstruation and Women’s Health.


~ by lolarusa on May 16, 2007.

81 Responses to “Lysol for Feminine Hygiene”

  1. That’s pretty awesome!

  2. YIKES!!!! LOL

  3. 1926? paint look awesome

  4. uuuuhhh……ouch.



  6. That’s hilar. Love it.

  7. Ummm, 101 ways to use Lysol?


  8. I’ll never look at Lysol the same way again!

  9. I bet they liked having yeast infection after yeast infection, too.

  10. Love it ;)

  11. Oh dear… So, advertising is pretty much what it ever used to be.

  12. i heard these kind of products used to burn women.

  13. I’m sure this product could work just as well for jock itch.

  14. In some countries, they just exercise their mysogyny the honest way and opt for female circumcision.

  15. somewhat freaky that you would want to clean your genitals with Lysol..

  16. “it’s gentle deoderant qualities are the safegaurd of feminine daintyness…”! that’s pretty funny.

  17. And try new LYSOL Neutra Crotch FreshMatic! Applicator not included.

  18. I’m not sure what happy children at home have to do with keeping the cooch lysol’d up.

    Such is the mystery of history.

  19. I wonder if they could Supersize that.

  20. Not really surprising… Vaseline and coca extract was considered to be a cure-all, and vibrators were medical devices used to control womenly “hysteria” with weekly treatments. Go figure…

  21. I wonder what you’d receive if you sent the coupon in today.

  22. Be ashamed. This is not funny.

    It’s friggin’ hilarious! :)

  23. OMG that is freaky! lol, but so typically 1920s! lol

    Thanks for sharing

  24. Funny as hell. Thanks for posting it.

  25. Nice pic!

  26. Marketing lessons of another era! :)

  27. Wow! love this!

  28. How does this compare to radium being used as a component of women’s beauty products back in the 40s?

  29. “It can not irritate or harm the most sensitive tissues”??? Um I wonder if the male ad-men who came up with this one would be willing to try it on THEIR sensitive areas.

  30. Here’s another, from 1948, with links to more Lysol douche ads.

  31. And then along came the yeast infection. My Vag J J is stinging just thinking of putting lysol on it…or a douche? AHHHHHHH

  32. “tonic feeling of general well-being”, Can men use this to cure jock itch?

  33. Lysol just HAD to burn, maybe even cause damage. This is very scary.

  34. Think about the poor guy who’s got to go down there.

  35. And to think its was the 20th century…..imagine the 18th century…yikes!

  36. What is feminine daintiness?

  37. I wonder if “feminine daintiness2 and “a tonic feeling of general well-being” are euphemisms for not-getting-up-the-duff?
    A couple of squirts up the jaxie with that stuff would certainly affect the swimming abilities of spermatazoa.

  38. Obviously the ingredients in Lysol has changed since 1926.

  39. “tha fock?!” [blink]

    no. freaking. way. lol

  40. ‘Obviously the ingredients in Lysol has changed since 1926.’ Now why would you think that Gina? Just because you don’t splash it on down below?

  41. I bet there wasn’t the convenient aerosol spray can back then, either ;)

  42. Did that come in purse size, I wonder?

  43. Wow…that was back in the day when the word “douche” actually rhymmed with “ouch”.

  44. But wait…there’s MORE like that. They pushed that for decades.

  45. may be 2 of my comments to this post are stuck in spam!
    let me try again:
    great ad and copy. you have a fantastic blog here.
    let me have the honour of blogrolling you

  46. Wow, i didnt know that there was a museum of menstruation and women, I was very interested in the topic a few months ago but I didnt found anythings. Thanks a lot !

    I-m very curious about the history

  47. Find*

  48. Lysol, interesting…

  49. Well there you go, really getting clean with the basics!

  50. rk

    Yes, you were spamified. Not sure why. I am indeed honored to be on your blogroll.

  51. Now that’s the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time. A secret secret SHHH! My mother carries a bottle of air freshener in the car and prior to getting out she pulls out the bottle and sprays straight up there. She got caught the other day by a young guy in his car. I cracked up, it was so funny. He got in his car and screeched his brakes away like oh lord let me get the crap out of here. ANNONYMOUS

  52. I don’t see what the fuss is all about. Lysol is an excellent disinfectant! Especially when you combust it…

    BUUUUURRRRNING HOT!!! (Lysol Flamethrower)

  53. “Honey have you been messing around?”
    “Huh, what do you mean? Why do you ask?”
    “Well, I tasted Lysol when I kissed you.”

  54. I’m off to the shop!

  55. brilliant


  57. ummm… are they seriously suggesting that… NAHhh… I must be mis-reading this.

  58. “cannot harm the most sensitive tissues” Right !

  59. Sorry

  60. haha

    nice pic :D

  61. Superb!! Wish i could lay my hands on a few more ads like this one!

  62. comstock laws ruled that contraceptive info and adverts were obscene and therefore illegal. with coded language about “feminine daintiness”, women were led to believe that lysol douching was an effective birth control method. fast forward to where we are led to believe that vaginas are still in need of some special chemical attention. so much for being enlightened.

  63. Oh my God.

  64. The great poet Charlotte Mew killed herself by drinking a bottle of Lysol right about the time of this ad.

  65. The invention of rubber vulcanization in 1839 soon led to the beginnings of a U.S. contraceptive industry producing condoms (now often called “rubbers”), intrauterine devices or IUDs, douching syringes, vaginal sponges, diaphragms and cervical caps (then called “womb veils”), and “male caps” that covered only the tip of the penis. British playwright and essayist George Bernard Shaw called the rubber condom the “greatest invention of the 19th century.”

    When these devices were declared illegal, the flourishing trade simply began selling them as “hygiene” products. For example, vaginal sponges were sold to protect women from “germs” instead of sperm. This led to misleading if not downright fraudulent advertising. From 1930 until 1960, the most popular female contraceptive was Lysol disinfectant — advertised as a feminine hygiene product in ads featuring testimonials from prominent European “doctors.” Later investigation by the American Medical Association showed that these experts did not exist.

    “The fraud of the Lysol douche was a byproduct of illegality,” Tone says. “Because birth control couldn’t be advertised openly, manufacturers would use euphemisms to refer to birth control. They took advantage of consumers’ hopes.”

  66. lol I found one in my Wall

  67. .:speeachless/gobsmacked:.

    (trying again – former used no-no code! sorry!)

  68. (finds tongue and spelling ability)
    imagine how many babies were born with birth defects as a result of being assaulted by lysol?

  69. Oh geez! I wonder how many women got yeast infections after altering the chemical balance of their “feminine daintiness”.

  70. I’ve actually often sprayed Lysol on my penis after questionable sex, so this advertisement is not surprising. I could see though that for females it could be painful. Though I once sprayed myself BEFORE intercourse, however, therefore causing a hint of discomfort to my partner, a male in this particular instance.
    Contact me for more stories.

  71. hAHAHA!

  72. OMG – We’ve come a long way baby! ;) Today we can maitain our feminine daintiness and prevent and treat yeast infections using natural methods.

  73. If more people used natural remedies, the drug companies wouldn’t be so powerful.

  74. Since you mentioned remedies for yeast infection, a simple topical application of plain yoghurt with active cultures will get rid of a yeast infection in a matter of two or three days.

  75. Great post! This post has given me a lot to think about as well.

  76. LMAO. I’ve heard of Lysol douching before, but leave it to you to discover the Museum of Menstruation. Excellent!

  77. And they didn’t have AIDS back then..And now we know why!

  78. Don’t forget the super bug MRSA!

  79. And what use Eve and other ‘feminine’ products for mopping??? We live in a strange strange world. Wonder if the same ‘standards’ of hygiene applied to men…………

  80. How about a mild bleach for a dainty vagina? The product could be marketed as “Clitorox”.

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